Sunday, February 26, 2006

Fieldfares at Ogden

We saw 12 fieldfares on a wire in Keighley Road, Ogden on 25th February. Having seen 30 around here last weekend, they are obviously still in the area. S E Drake

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Fieldfare and Redwings at Ogden

Approx 30 Fieldfare took off from a large tree in our garden in Ogden on Sat 19th Feb, flying in the direction of Soil Hill. Earlier we had seen 5 lone Redwing in the same tree.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Fieldfare & Redwing at Ogden

Yesterday (19 Feb) we saw approx 30 fieldfare take off from trees in our garden and fly towards Soil Hill. Earlier there were 5 lone redwing in the same tree.